I'm quite crazy and reasonably smart, and I have lots of opinions and ideas.
Sometimes, I actually manage to record them, and they end up here. Take it or leave it.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tweet, tweet
Twitter is indeed seriously dumb, because for example nothing stops me writing a short blog post like this if long comunication is not warranted. As it happens, though, Randall Munroe may well be (somewhat) wrong about Swine Flue.
I'm a university dropout who has yet to firmly commit to any particular alternate course of action in life.
I have strong, although constantly fluctuating, views on politics, religion, science, current affairs, morality, the future, life, the universe and, well, pretty much everything.
Man, that was pretty long. That guy should use Twitter to work on his brevity.
Fuck you. Brief enough?
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